Saturday, January 03, 2009

Luking back at 2008 @ d beginning of 2009

i can't say whether 2008 is a good year for me...i'm nt sure myself either....much things has happen to me tis year...i got my degree, although i didnt go for my convocation but i still graduated, dat's d fact, thinking i wld go for my honours convocation instead...but i can't make it in d end, not even expecting myself to fail....which is also the main obstacle im goin to face in this new 2009....
i hv to mk a decison repeat or not to repeat???? repeat, i hv no confidence of doin it again... but wat to do when i dun even know wat has gone wrong. Not to repeat, means i won't hv my honours n 1 whole year of hard work done for nothing since d results acomplished in 2008 wont b recognised wat is the best choice i shld choose?? i reali duno, puzzledzzzzzz
a decision i did made in 2008 was to finally leave my previous job behind and tking up the new's smthing dat i hv been tryin to convince myself n yet can't bring myself to leave the highly comfortable environment which i hv been leave a position wif all d familiar faces which i hv been wrkin with was def not easy for leave a position wif duties dat im so familiar with was of coz not easy...which means i hv to start all over far, it has been quite good...i hope i wld not regret my choice as yet

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