Thursday, February 09, 2006

Birdie-brains out there

It's not that im trying to be rude, but it just exasperate me so much when there so many ignoramus people out there. (This is in continuation to my previous entry: My Superstar-Kelvin Tan.) I dun need to elaborate that he is the first visually-impaired singer who was crowned the winner of the Superstar contest. But just because he is visually- impaired doesn't mean he must live a different life from normal beings like us.
Some members of the public has really many mis-conceptions of the blind. So i just want to take this chance to provide some information. (Especially to fellow bloggers, Im just concerned and wish to prevent whoever from making a laughing stock out of themselves)
Please don't think that the blind can't read or write. They uses the Braille system which is a system of raised dots on paper which form letters and words. They can feel it with their fingertips.
Please don't think that the blind can't use the computer to type or to surf the internet as there is a special software which is able to read out the words for them to hear.
Please don't think that the blind can't move around just because they can't see. They make use of the white cane to locate steps and curbs. They can even cross the road by listening to the sound of traffic.
Please don't think that the blind don't use money just becos they can't see. There are actually Braille dots on the notes. And be aware that they are actually of different sizes. $50 notes are bigger than $10 notes,$5 notes are bigger than $2, in case u all dun notice it. Coins are easy to identify with the sizes and edges.
Please don't think that the blind live in a world of their own because they can't tell the time. There are special watches for them where they can feel the hands and Braille dots at different hour points.
These are all very basic things that they can do. Some of the visually-impaired people has an exceptional keen sense of feel and hearing, and are even more alert than normal people like us. And some has exceptionally good memory. (Guess whom im talking about)
I hope this is useful to some people although most of you out there should have some basic common sense. There are really some humorous people who really make me laugh. Some says that the blind won't know what's happening on the news or the internet. Some says that image consultants are really silly to make Kelvin wear a watch when he can't even see. Oh My God, some people are really so 'humorous'...LOL


Leon Gilbert said...

Hi. I agree with you totally about people being bird brained about the blind.

I've just posted a link to your blog entry on to the ACB Radio "Blind Arts News" RSS feed, which I edit. Hope you don't mind...

I've featured links to Kelvin on there a few times in the past. The feed URL is

Leon Gilbert
(In Middlesex UK)
Editor & Site Owner,
RSS News Feed Editor,
Volunteer Reader, Digital Eyes
Co-founder/webmaster, The Accessible Friends Network

Leon Gilbert said...

Hi. I agree with you totally about people being bird brained about the blind.

I've just posted a link to your blog entry on to the ACB Radio "Blind Arts News" RSS feed, which I edit. Hope you don't mind...

I've featured links to Kelvin on there a few times in the past. The feed URL is

Leon Gilbert
(In Middlesex UK)
Editor & Site Owner,
RSS News Feed Editor,
Volunteer Reader, Digital Eyes
Co-founder/webmaster, The Accessible Friends Network

Hippo-Mei said...

of coz,i dun mind...thanks for the info